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10 Group Discussion Tips for Successful Interviews , 10 Group Discussion Tips to Use in Your Next Interview

  10 Group Discussion Tips for Successful Interviews 

  10 Group Discussion Tips to Use in Your Next Interview 

 The Group Discussion, commonly referred to as GD, is a crucial elimination round in an interview process that candidates need to be a part of after clearing their aptitude test or the written exam.  A vital component in any screening process.

 In this article, we share with you some practical tips and strategies that will set you up for success in group discussions. But before we get into that, let`s help you understand why the GD round is so essential.  

  1. Awareness of Topics Relating to Your Background Is Crucial 

 Experts advise that you research popular topics related to your field before taking part in a group discussion. While it is not possible to keep track of all topics under the sun, you should nevertheless have a clear understanding of matters that are closely linked to your educational or professional background. In addition to sufficient knowledge of core topics in the field, you should be proficient in some general topics for group discussions about today's social and economic environment, new technologies or current issues. 

 Some group discussion topics to consider include: 

 The impact of coronavirus on the global economy 

 Do you think virtual learning can be an effective tool in a post-COVID environment?

 Is WFH (work from home) the new normal? 

What is your attitude towards cryptocurrency? 

 Social networks: curse or boon to society?  

Women lead better. Do you agree or disagree? 

Group discussion topics can range from ongoing global pandemics to well-known case studies, and controversial topics to general topics. In addition to preparing  topics relevant to your profile, researching common GD topics such as those mentioned above will allow you to participate in group discussions with confidence. While basic knowledge of the topic is important,  how you communicate your understanding of the topic to the interviewer and other participants in the group discussion is even more important. Therefore,  you should hone your presentation skills before appearing at GD. 

2.  Lead 

 The right time to start a conversation is paramount in  group discussions. Some people believe that speaking first helps to get the interviewer's attention, but this is not always the case as it can backfire. 

 If you have valuable information or statistics  relevant to a topic, you can speak up first, but if not, it's better to say it  between conversations.  If you are unsure or confused about a topic, listen to the other participants and  rephrase  accordingly. 

 3. There is no room for aggression in group discussions. 

 Pay attention to what you say and how you say it during group discussions. You will find that many  group discussion participants hold views that differ from yours. Respect their opinions and express your views confidently, not aggressively. Under no circumstances should you get angry or shout. Controlling your emotions and remaining calm will make you appear more confident. 

 Here are some phrases you can use to politely express your opinion. When you disagree with someone, you can say, "I respect your point of view, but I disagree. I have a completely different opinion." 

 If you agree with someone, you can use the phrase  "I agree, I  have the same point of view." 

 In addition to the above two scenarios, you may find yourself in a situation where you partially disagree with someone. In such situations, say something like, "I somewhat agree with you, but I do not fully support your position." 

 If you need to intervene at any time, just say "Sorry, I'd like to interrupt you here." To contribute to the current discussion, you can say: "I would also like to add..." 

 Use appropriate phrases like those mentioned above to show your willingness to accept other points of view while sticking to your own. Remember that the purpose of the group discussion is to evaluate the candidate's personality, behavior, and interpersonal skills. Therefore, it is important to stay positive and confident throughout your GD session.

4. Effective communication 

 What matters in a group discussion is how well you present your point of view and how persuasive your arguments are to the interviewer and other group members. It is very important to speak with absolute clarity, not only to get your point across, but also to make a positive impression with your speech. 

 To improve your speech intelligibility, check out some simple exercises on YouTube that will help you speak more clearly. 

 Another thing to keep in mind is not to  sit idly by after the opening commentary. Jump into the discussion using phrases from the previous section whenever you feel it's appropriate.

 5. Don't just listen, listen carefully 

 Listening is very important in  group discussions. Listening not only helps you understand the topic of discussion,  it  also shows how polite you are.  Listen carefully when the other person is speaking and formulate your answer. Also nod your head and make  eye contact with the speaker. This indicates that you are actively participating in the discussion. 

 All good speakers are great listeners, and good listening skills must also be developed to be successful in group discussions. This is your ticket to a high paying job in marketing. 

 6. Work on body language 

 Body language is a form of non-verbal communication. In recent years, it has become increasingly important as it plays a crucial role in determining a person's personality, confidence level  and leadership qualities. 

 Keep in mind that everything you do is monitored, from entering a room to talking, sitting, and how you react. So dress professionally, sit up straight, stay calm, and never be nervous. 

 There are many videos about body language on YouTube. Check out some of these videos to perfect your art of manipulating your audience with body language.

  7. Stay on topic 

 To stay on topic, pay attention to the content of your speech, not its length. If the discussion gets off topic, try to get the discussion back on track. Trying to keep the group interested in the topic will show the interviewer your leadership skills. 

8. Be the first to summarize the discussion. 

 Summarizing a group discussion and highlighting the most important points will grab the interviewer's attention. Keep your resume relevant and concise. You should also submit an unbiased resume, not a biased one.

 9. Don't be aggressive 

 Often group discussion participants  present their ideas in an aggressive manner to influence the group. What they don't know is that yelling and aggression can score them negatively. 

 10. Don't give up 

 A final tip for group discussions is to write several items in one session. You can participate in a discussion multiple times if you have compelling responses to other participants' comments. This will strengthen your point of view.

Frequently Asked Questions 

 Q1. How to introduce me at GD? 

 You can use this line to introduce yourself. 

 Hello everyone, I am _____. I would like to introduce the topic of this group discussion. 

 Hello everyone, my name is ____ and I will be the originator of the group discussion. I'd like to ask you a question. [Add related question here] 

 Q2. What makes a group discussion successful?  A successful group discussion is  one in which participants freely express their ideas and thoughts. In addition, participants are  sensitive to ideas proposed by other participants. 

 Q3. How to improve your group discussion skills?  You can improve group discussions by improving some basic techniques: 

 let your looks speak 

 grasp the subject 

 Be the first to get off the block. 

 be a good listener 

 make a point 

 Remember this is not an argument.

ashish prakash, writer, trainer,

english speaking expert


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